Stories on a Plate

team members
Team Members:

Tristan Bunker, Ally Freudenmann, Ajit Ramadas, Dan Frost, Anita Long and Tanya Greenwood

Project Aim:

Building human connections from the shared stories of diverse Tasmanian communities through traditional recipes, which will  promote intercultural dialogue and understanding.

Everybody Dance Now!

team members
Team Members:

H.K. Vermeulen, Tara Clark, Katie Wheeler, Erin Wilkins, Cheryl Walker, Geoffrey Jackson and Rajender Pal

Project Aim:

An inclusive, joyful and fun dance event, fostering a sense of community and repairing pain caused by isolation due to COVID-19, through dance in both physical gatherings and online options.

The Growers

team members
Team Members:

Lynnette Kerrison, Tyler Birch, Gary Barnes, Sally-Ann Herweynen, Joselle Griffin and Alicia Jones

Project Aim:

Facilitating a pilot start-up of a seed library at the Thrive Community  Garden at St Helens to promote community connection, health and wellbeing.